Travel Resources and Useful Links
When you need to look up something about your destination, use this page as your resource guide. You’ll find a wide range of valuable information, such as the best place to grab a cup of cappuccino, current time in Zimbabwe, currency of Chile, or U.S.
Department of State travel requirements for Thailand.
Currency Converter
The Universal Currency Converter™ is the world’s most popular currency tool. Use it to perform interactive foreign exchange rate calculations online using live, up-to-the-minute currency rates.
World Time Server
World Time Server is one of the easiest international time conversion sites around. It’s ideal for when you need to know what time it is in Zimbabwe or anywhere else.
The Weather Channel
The Weather Channel provides what you need to know about current weather conditions and three-to-five-day forecasts throughout the world.
Federal Aviation Administration – “Bringing Safety to America’s Skies”
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for the safety of civil aviation. This organization issues and enforces regulations and aircraft standards and certifies airmen and airports that serve air carriers. They develop air traffic rules, assign the use of airspace, and control
air traffic.
FAA Tips on Flying with Children
Follow the FAA tips to keep your little ones safe while flying. Learn about the importance of using a child restraint system and why it’s safer than holding your child in your lap. Most airlines will offer discounts of up to 50% for children less than two years of age.
Passport and Visa Information
Learn everything you need to know about passports and visas so you can travel without a hitch.